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After all in a sentence

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Sentence count:293+18Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: one after anotherafter a whileaftergo aftertake afterlook afterafterwardafter schoolMeaning: adv. 1. emphasizes something to be considered 2. in spite of expectations. 
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241. It seemed that he was not, after all, a true barge dweller.
242. Is that on the cards, or has Unesco got some rules that he is going to enforce after all?
243. After all, it was only a bilious attack ... uncomfortable at the time, but it soon passed.
244. And everyone breathed a sigh of relief ... so the Teds were human after all.
245. What we become depends on what we read after all of the professors have finished with us. The greatest university of all is a collection of books. Thomas Carlyle 
246. After all, their brokers and investment bankers win business by being optimists, not pessimists.
247. After all, the only thing more boring than being dull is being dull and right.
248. After all, it's difficult for anyone to write a clear account of an incident that is traumatic and embarrassing.
249. Hon. Members must recall that these are, after all, discretionary awards.
250. After all, the 27-year-old farm worker fully intended to return to work when his 30-minute lunch break was over.
251. Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new after allAbraham Lincoln 
252. After all[], our public airwaves are being leased to them in the public interest.
253. After all is said and done, more is said than done. Aesop 
254. We are, after all, performing a descriptive and not a prescriptive exercise when we undertake discourse analysis.
255. The fact that the dream was, after all, coming true quite bemused the community.
256. After all, when events unfold in the real world, they do so without musical accompaniment.
257. These were, after all, the new or unique addition to their world.
258. His dusty and impoverished desert nation, after all, is under attack from all sides, rhetorically and literally.
259. After all, New York State has attracted more foreign companies than any other state, from headquarters operations to manufacturing operations.
260. After all the mechanics were finished it was down to the chassis, bodywork and interior.
261. As after all I was not a bad little boy but I was shy and covered it up by bravado.
262. After all, that is what happens whenever a state joins a multilateral alliance or economic community.
263. After all, Toulouse-Lautrec, like many other artists of the late nineteenth century, was obsessed with lesbianism.
264. Now I led the way - which was not so bright, after all.
265. She was, after all the lean years, fairly bursting with plans.
266. Besides, food and exercise guidelines may not be the conclusive benchmark for mortality after all.
267. Even after all these years I still suffer from the mental abuse.
268. After all the trouble I had, Reese didn't even say thank you.
269. After all, on the brink of war he could not alienate his chief general.
270. After all the hype, the actual concert was something of an anticlimax.
More similar words: one after anotherafter a whileaftergo aftertake afterlook afterafterwardafter schoolliterallyday after dayyear after yearoverallfuneralseveralliberalfederalmineralin generalthe general publicveteraninteractliteraryinveterateinteractiondraftcraftoftengiftedsoftenaircraft
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